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Product Description:

Black disinfectant is a blend of alkalis, surfactants, disinfectants and coal tar derivatives designed to remove heavy fat and grime deposits from  all surfaces. It can be used neat or diluted down to 1:10 with water and sprayed onto the affected surface. Black disinfectant can be poured or sprayed onto the affected area and left for a few minutes to react and dissolve the deposits before being washed off. Soft metals such as aluminium, copper zinc and related surfaces will be dullened if such an alkaline liquid is sprayed onto them and should be avoided. Excessive contact time may dullen the surface shine permanently – all surfaces need to be tested before use.


Directions for use:

For high efficacy on odor control: dilute using 1 part product to 10 parts water.

For all other functions including washing germs away affectively: we suggest using a dilution range from 1 part product up to 50/100 parts water.


Size: 5L


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